About Me

Hello! My name is Rogerray Frye. I live in Old Town in the lovely state capital of Lansing, MI and I LOVE it! I've been a photographer and videographer for over 27 years. I enjoy my life thoroughly and live it to the fullest. My motto is Live, Love, and Laugh often. My youngest son, Taylor, works at Liquid Web and really likes his job. Myles, my first born, will graduate this spring with his Bachelors Degree in networking from Saginaw Valley. I am so proud of both my young men. I'm back at college to start a new adventure and let my career flourish for many years to come. I love animals! I have two wonderful cats in my life, Toby and Tabitha. They have been the love of my life since 1999 - unconditional love for 12 years! Benny and Butters just joined the family; they're the NEW cats on the block! They been with us for 3 years. I've been teased I'm the unofficial mayor of Old Town, as I can't help but stop and talk to all my wonderful friends and family here. If you need me for business, I'm confident you'll love my work. If you just want to be friends, I'd love to share that with you too! Cheers! Rogerray

Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 23rd what a morning! Summer has arrived!

Working on a video is very time consuming and yesterday was the day to burn midnight oil. I have been working on many projects, but because it rained yesterday, it was the day to say inside and get going on the many projects in house.

My birthday week was wonderful and I did get a lot of projects done for the summer so soon I can relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor.

Summer for me is over in August 28th because I am on my last year of college....I hope. When I grow up I want to be a photographer and video historian,I say,oh I forgot I am so now how to incorporate that into what I have been learning. I will say that taking editing class sure has helped me in the projects that I am editing right now! But enough of work. I have lost 19 pounds and only have 16 more to go to get to my goal. My blood pressure is down and now I just have to find out about my gall stones. Not bad for 47.

I hope Taylor the best today, he is going though his 20's with some bumps and bruses but who hasn't. Heck I was married and worked 60 hrs a week on a sales floor at ABC warehouse. I got to have only Sunday's and tuesdays off for 6 years. Other than that in was tied to giving up all my youth to my job. I expect that is why I am still here to talk about it today. I am sure that things will go true and just for Taylor. I love that crazy guy! So I am looking foreword to the weekend and I hope that it is full of warm sunshine for Bertlee's family reunion. Gosh, fourth of July is right around the corner! Where does the summer go?

-- Post From Little Rayray iPad

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fathers day at Brother Bobbies 2011

What a great weekend! It promised to rain may days but we had great weather for Bobbies cook out at his house in Elsie. Oscar, mom, dad and Edie Plus my boys Myles and Taylor and of course Bertlee all went over to Elsie where I grew up for a wonderful fathers day get-together. Sister Julie and Mariah showed up too and I have to say that the meal was wonderful!

Bobby has become the grill king and the steaks and roasted onions where so good! He doesn't like help, but he will let Bertlee bring his famous potato salad. My dad is doing pretty well after his stroke and Edie was glad that he stayed in Florida for his physical therapy.

This is a picture of Myles me and dad at his house when we moved his couch.

Oscar is doing really well for a young age of 85 and this is my sister Julie with him.

Just before I left, I saw some older pictures at Bobby's house and it was picture of mom and dad and the whole family before mom and dad divorced.

I think it's the only one of us when was younger. It was nice to be able to all be together without any drama. Well off to work on a video just a quick happy Ho and what I know....till later..

-- Post From Little Rayray iPad

Friday, June 17, 2011

East Lansing jazz fest 2011

Not a bad turn out!!

White party and Gay pride 2011

The busy three weeks to get the house ready for summer's stay cation and gay pride has become more and more demanding. This year I did have a lot of help getting the treehouse porch ready by my new friend Ricky from Kalamazoo.

It looks marvelous and in was so happy to be able to make my deadline of this weekend for it to be done. Now understand, I also got the VIP room floor down behind the garage and all the flowers planted along with getting the pool set up and whole house cleaned. Yep busy superman here. I will say though all the compliments and fun had by all is worth it. I am the house on the block that EVERYBODY love to come to! I hope it stays like that for a very long time. Anyways let me digress back to earlier on Friday when I was still getting ready for the white party.

Jamie, my long time friend that I would not know what to do without him came and saved me because he bought the wrong outfit at kohls. I asked him to stop by and get me because I was not going to be wearing white if I did not go with him. I had been so busy I did not even stop to go shopping for an outfit for this weekend! So off we went to kohls at the busiest time of the day. It had started raining at 10 am and finally stopped When we got there at 4 ish. I was hoping that it would rain Dam hard and get it out of it's system so we could have a great night. I found a really nice outfit with white dockers and apartment 9 summer white short cuffed shirt.

White is not my color but I did want to fit in with all the others so white it was! When I arrived home Bertlee was just getting out of the shower and

Renne was getting her make done by JR, how was still in his incognito , which is his robe. I rushed upstairs to steam my outfit and get ready before everybody arrived. I looked stunning in white but I do have to say WE ALL look marvelous! Here are some of photos.

Post From Little Rayray iPad

Location:W Maple St,Lansing,United States

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The wicked witch of the west blew little carols house away!

Memorial day was REALLY festive in Lansing and the surrounding areas. Sunday night the weather turned on us and into tornado weather about 5:00 PM. Ricky and I had been working on the house all day and it was Windy and nice bright weather and then the doom of the storm was upon us really fast! The sirens went off three times and the news was very unsure where or if any tornados where sited. Bertlee got a phone call and bounced off the couch because his niece little carols house was totally destroyed!

He had to go out and see if he could help, and was up and gone in a flash.
I was on pins and needles because we did not know what to do so we went on with our plans to go to Renee's house for a wet barbecue. Shelly, me and Ricky showed up at about 6:30 right after the a ok that the storm had passed. We had prepared vadelia onions to roast on the grill, and they where so good! I'm going to make them ALOT this summer on my own grill. We had a great visit and smiles where forced though the tension of the storm and the unknown of little carols house. Bertlee called about 8ish and said it was all gone, house, trees but little Carol was fine, except for the brick that smacked her on the ass as she was running down to the basement for cover. She did not know how lucky she really was until after when she came up and saw all the destruction. What a CRAZY memorial day eve!
Monday, memorial day 2011
Bertlee took 3 Excedrin PM's to sleep and I was whipped from all the yard work and painting from the day before. I think I got up about 11am to the smell of coffee and laughter.

-- Post From Little Rayray iPad

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 1st just 14 days before my birthday!

I had a wonderful last day of May with the temp hitting 94 degrees here in Lansing. WOW what weird week of weather! I mean it was cold, raining and now sunny and windy. Rickie my painter has had quite a working vacation. We have the tree house painted except for the sides up high. I will be finishing that and then can start working on my arbor before the weekend. My dad and Edie made it home from Florida with help of my brother Bobby. I am going to see them on Friday. I can't wait! My dad is doing well with his recovery from his stroke and I thought it might be best to wait till they settle in some. It's a very windy day for the 1st day of june. I am sitting on the clean back porch having coffee and listening to Nora jones and the birds sing back to her wonderful voice. I had breakfast from my own two hands instead of going out for breakfast! Can you believe it? I am trying to cut out extra expensive things to get my tooth repaired. Yep, I have a cavity that has come back. It will be better by june 21st. Hot and cold puts chills though me right now, they are zingers! Well,I am off to painting while the breeze is blowing nicely.

-- Post From Little Rayray iPad

Location:W Maple St,Lansing,United States